
.....my life lies in those eyes that have me slain

Friday, December 17, 2004

The IndiBlog Awards

That there's a site to honour excellence in the field of blogging is real amusing news to me. For those of you, who wish to try your luck, hurry to IndiBlog Awards. They are still accepting nominations; the site offers exhaustive information regarding the entire process, categories, jury and the prizes! All the best!

In the same vein are the Edublog Awards. Some fantastic educational blogs listed...


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Thought for the Day
What is yours will remain yours, even when it is not with you.

About Me
24 year-old female Arian. wheatish complexion, long hair, slender frame. After being a citizen of the world an Indian to the core

Fav Books: The Alchemist, Harry Potter
Fav Movie: The eternal Titanic
Fan of: Salman Khan, the English language
Fav line: When you want something very badly, the entire universe conspires to help you have it. [The Alchemist]

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