
.....my life lies in those eyes that have me slain

Friday, April 29, 2005

Notes of Gratitude

I am deeply touched by the concern members of the blogging community have shown for me in moments of despair. The way each of you tried to say something that would pep up my spirits really meant a lot!

It was one of the most tumultous times I'd been through. But Ji's love and all your support made sure that it didn't last long. It's soothing to know that I have friends out here who try to make me feel better. I thank one and all - DreamCatcher, Mukund, Johnny, Saurabh, Red, Alpha, Abhinav, Rohit and ArcaneCrapper - for your wonderful gestures.

No matter how dark life is, I can face it because my Lord and my Ji are with me, forever...


Despair is temporary. Moments of realisation and supreme bliss are eternally timeless, yet last for a fraction of a second. Cherish them before it's too late.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : Friday, April 29, 2005  

Thanx for the mention :D.

Arcane C: Nice line....and true. Very true....

# posted by Blogger Darth Midnightmare : Saturday, April 30, 2005  

saurabh, it's really sweet of u to say that! thank u!

arcane crapper, i do understand that i musnt let despair mar moments of happiness and supreme bliss. but when i see tragedy unfolding right before my eyes, it gets a bit tough. it is this wierd battle that i am trying to fight in life...

rohit, point taken, dosti mein no sorry, no thanks! :)

yeah red, i am trying to do just that!
# posted by Blogger Vidhi : Wednesday, May 04, 2005  

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Thought for the Day
What is yours will remain yours, even when it is not with you.

About Me
24 year-old female Arian. wheatish complexion, long hair, slender frame. After being a citizen of the world an Indian to the core

Fav Books: The Alchemist, Harry Potter
Fav Movie: The eternal Titanic
Fan of: Salman Khan, the English language
Fav line: When you want something very badly, the entire universe conspires to help you have it. [The Alchemist]

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